A big day at Sailing World Cup Melbourne today – with plenty of breeze, plenty of postponements and my opportunity to take over the World Sailing social media channels!
Periscope video 1
Periscope video 2
Periscope video 3
Had a bit of fun on Periscope. Tomorrow I will be chatting with the general public – can’t wait to see what they think about having the event here on the St. Kilda foreshore.
Here are some interviews from today!
Sailing World Cup Melbourne Day 3: World Sailing Youth Champs – Mythbusters
With the World Sailing Youth Champs coming up in Langkawi, Malaysia – I took the opportunity to catch up with two sailors heading to the event, Jacinta Ainsworth and Ally Knightingale, as well as Kai, a Malaysian local – to really get the low down on what we can expect at the venue!
Sailing World Cup Melbourne Day 3: Scott Whitehead
Scott Whitehead – 13 years old and ready to take on the world of kitesurfing. He already has eyes on the Youth Olympics, and racing on the world tour – and to “younger kids” thinking about taking on the sport he says “go hard”. Legend!
Sailing World Cup Melbourne Day 3 wrap
A tricky day at the St. Kilda Sailing Precinct today, with some classes able to get in one race, and others missing out due to a 43 knot squall that came across the course just before 2pm. I caught up with World Sailing Technical Delegate, Antonio González de la Madrid to wrap up day 3 at Sailing World Cup Melbourne.
More adventures…
@SailorGirl218 – Facebook/Instagram/Twitter/Snapchat