Sailor Girl – Nic Douglass – Biography
Show reel
Home town
Milton, NSW but she calls Sydney home…
Employment & work history
Currently full time with Adventures of a Sailor Girl.
Previously, over ten years of work in the corporate communication world in areas of public relations and event management. For full details, check out her LinkedIn profile or read more about “How does Sailor Girl work?”.
- Bachelor of Arts (Public Communication) UTS
- Grad Dip Marketing Communications, UTS
- Grad Dip Psychology, CSU
Best results
Triple Tasar World Champ, two grade one wins in Women’s Match Racing, over ten Australian Championships in a variety of classes.
- To share and experience as many adventures in sailing as possible.
- To work with major sailing events around the world as a commentator and presenter.
- To supply content to as many news sources as possible to spread the word about our amazing sport.
- Ultimately to get more people on the water more often.
Favourite quotes
Work will win when wishing won’t…
There are no extraordinary people in this world, just extraordinary goals that ordinary people rise to meet…
You can’t always control the direction of the wind, but you can always adjust your sails…