Here are the clips from the J/70 Worlds in La Rochelle, June 2015 from day one right through to day 4! Commentary for the live racing with myself and Alan Block, highlights reels by Petey Crawford of Penalty Box Productions, with imagery from Sander Van Der Borch, and the behind the scenes team of Meredith Block, Gracie Ray and Jack Watson. Great team!
Make sure you watch all the way to the end of the highlights clips – plenty of action including sinking boats, jumping in, and a bright red speedo!! I will have more on this week’s radio show and my own video coming soon! Enjoy xx
J-70 World Championship – Sperry/Sailing Anarchy World Tour Final Day from Sailing Anarchy on Vimeo.
J-70 World Championship – Day 3 from Sailing Anarchy on Vimeo.
J-70 World Championship – Day One from Sailing Anarchy on Vimeo.
J70 World Championship Preview from Sailing Anarchy on Vimeo.