Comanche training on Sydney Harbour as the 18ft Skiffs rig in the background… Too awesome! Thanks Michael Chittenden
I have now been in Europe for a little over six weeks… And while I know it is freezing at home in Sydney (hope all the adventurers at home are making the most of the awesome snow!), it is also a rainy and cold Sunday here in the UK!
Well maybe not cold for the locals, but less than 15 degrees Celsius for me is winter weather. Though for the internationals it has been snowing just inland from Sydney – so there is one hell of a cold snap going on right now “Downunder”!
So not only do I find myself missing ‘my Harbour’, and ‘my Bridge’… I am also missing a bit of 18ft Skiff action!
I will be back ‘come September’, and while there are so many adventures going on up in the Northern Hemisphere that are mind blowing… there really is no place like home!
With thanks to Michael “Chitts” Chittenden (images and compilation) and Frank Quealey (words), here is a fantastic look back at last year’s season with the iconic 18ft Skiffs and a few bonus images. Chitts, you do make it a bit hard to choose!
We will have more from Chitts on a weekly basis in his “Harbour Happenings” – can’t wait!
Enjoy – Sailor Girl xx