Today a funny thing happened…
I got to the point where I apparently sail so much that it should become my name. I have been called “Sailor Girl” as far back as 2000 (that I can remember) by people at the sailing club… sometimes by kids at school… Mostly boys…
But now there seems to be a few adventures happening… And you guys apparently want to hear about it.
True or false??! :p
Funny because I haven’t gotten to where I want to go yet!!!!
I know so many more people who are better at this than me. I just love it…
When I was little I just wanted to be around the water… when I was older I didn’t think I was good enough.
Now I am starting to learn that everyone is always learning in this sport… That is the point.
I am not even twenty yet… so maybe I will have an awesome story to tell. I do hope so… :p
I guess we will see what happens…
Welcome to my adventures 🙂
Sailor Girl xxx