Not much to report from this week. Packing and planning for the move North has been all consuming. I have not been on the water for a week – for the first time in a very long time. Looking forward to hitting the training hard after my forced mini break!
This weekend I will be on the water, possibly for the last time on a weekend for quite a while in Canberra. Thanks to Craig Davidson and Matty Owen for organising for Rohan Nosworthy to come down for a coaching weekend on the NS14. Really looking forward to a weekend of California Times in Canberra!
On that note – Chris and I will be remaining members of the Canberra Yacht Club, even though we are heading to Sydney. We have both had a lot of support from both the club and the sailors in Canberra, and will be coming back whenever possible! How could we not?!
Thanks to all who have been helping me out with the move (be it logistics or work) so far this week, and for all of the birthday wishes! I would like to introduce you though to my “mini me” which came in the form of a cake. Check out how hard she hikes (I take that as a compliment, even though she looks a little like a Teletubby!)! Happy birthday to Rob Douglass also, he is hoping that the physio tells him he can sail over Easter for his birthday wish me thinks!
As a final note, well done to Murray Gordon on his win in the first heat of the Etchells Worlds. Awesome stuff!
Hope you have a fantastic weekend on the water ahead of you!