The 35th NSW State Champs kick off tomorrow at the Illawarra Yacht Club, and it will be the lucky thirteenth time I have sailed in this regatta… the first as skipper. Since 2005 Dad and I have been in the top two in this regatta, this year we will be sailing in opposite positions. Hopefully I can do the team justice and Dad’s new shoulder holds together in the forecast southerly on Saturday!
Last weekend we trained offshore at Ulladulla Harbour on Saturday and from Woollahra on Sunday. Saturday we were blessed with the most beautiful day, and a little ten knot Nor’easter. I dreamed about tacking all last week, and it seemed to pay off in this session – so we moved on to the gybes. On Sunday, we teamed up with Ben and Cath Walker and their coach Mike Fletcher for an awesome two-boating speed session; out to the heads and back, and then some mini races off Taylor’s Bay. Two from three wins for me, and even more lessons. I am very happy with my progress on changing grooves and adjusting for VMG at the back end, more to do but going well. We have also had to modify a few of our systems, great to work them out pre-States. Overall it was a great day on the water, and a massive thanks to Ben and Cath for having us along! An off-water highlight was when Dad decided to tell Fletch how well I was doing as a skipper, and as only Fletch can he said “of course she is doing well, didn’t you know she is a bloody good sailor?” Haha, thanks Fletch!
Speaking of sailor girls, this weekend we will be awarding the Tasar Memorial Trophy for the first time, donated by the family of one beautiful sailor girl who departed earth way too early last year.
I will be thinking of you this weekend Cherub x If you are heading to the Tasar States, please see me if you would like to donate to the Breast Cancer Network of Australia – or you can donate to this awesome cause from home via, www.bcna.org.au
Good luck to all those who are racing over Easter, keep up the good work to all the Aussies who are doing so well over in Palma and here’s hoping for a lucky 13 for the Dougli! I am not expecting miracles, but a top five position would be a great step in my program to get to where I want to be in this sport (for more on why I am skippering the Tasar see my last post or my story).
A massive thanks to Rob Douglass yet again for crewing for me and to my sponsors for all of their support as well. Most of them have also signed up to cover the NSW States yet again which is brilliant! I picked up the most awesome 470 shirt that was put aside for me and finally some new shorts from Zhik this week! So exciting! I am not sure whether I will have internet over the weekend, so keep an eye on Twitter or Facebook for updates on the results.
Happy Easter, and happy racing __/)/)_/)_/)___/)_