On Tuesday 10 December, I found myself on Steele Point, just in time for the start of the SOLAS Big Boat Challenge. Let’s just say… it was a pretty spectacular view…
Black Jack was able to lead around Shark Island, before Oats XI took the lead, with Perpetual Loyal close behind. On the downwind leg, Loyal opted to keep their Code Zero cranked, and sailed underneath Oats…
They may have pushed it a bit too hard…
Which resulted in…
A bit of a blow out as you can see above…
I also managed to cut a bit of video footage for this one…
Thanks to John Dee Dahlenburg for providing his footage so that I could splice it with my own, and to Eye Shoot Solutions for their awesome images capturing the moment the Zero actually tore. Maybe telling Loyal to “let it rip” was taken a bit too literally?! Haha!
Can’t wait for the race this year, and the potential that Sunset Media might bring to the viewing experience!