Wow… what a summer so far. From the SOLAS Big Boat Challenge, to the Extreme Sailing Series, Rolex Sydney Hobart, Tasar Worlds, Moth Worlds and Spiral Nationals I have covered yachts at the highest level, to catamarans, raced my own dinghies and chased those of the foiling kind.
Now I am back to normal pace (for me, which I think is still somewhat hyper), and reflecting on just how far Sunset has come.
This Saturday it will be one year for Sunset Media… it will be one year since I officially started taking the steps to be full time in sailing media. And what an amazing year it has been.
Just the past few months have been insane… to think about how far we have come in a year is pretty incredible!
I will try to sum it up with what I have managed to capture in both my radio shows, and videos!
Check out the action below xxx
SOLAS Big Boat Challenge 2014
Extreme Sailing Series – Sydney 2014
Best of 2014
Rolex Sydney Hobart 2014
Tasar World Championships 2015 – 2nd on a countback
Moth World Champs
Spiral Nationals – 5th overall, first lady skipper
And… there is plenty more to come – next up, the Etchells NSW State Championships this weekend, and then plenty of Volvo Ocean Race action come March!