The weather for this year’s Rolex Sydney Hobart start was of great media interest this morning, with one model yesterday showing conditions similar to the brutal 1998 Hobart. This is thankfully unlikely. Check out this video for the long range weather forecast briefing this morning at the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia with key navigators as well as the Aussie weather bureau.
From left to right; Michael Broughton – Pretty Fly III, Stan Honey – Comanche, Michael Logan – Bureau of Meteorology (BOM), Adrienne Cahalan – Perpetual Loyal, Juan Vila – Wild Oats XI, and Jennifer Wells – Wild Rose.
The BOM say that only one model at this stage is predicting a serious low developing, and they are watching closely. At this stage, the only certainty is that there will be a Nor’Easter for the start, with a cold front of 25-30 knots from the south for the first night at sea.
There is also an in-depth interview with Stan Honey on Comanche’s year, and what we can expect for the Rolex Sydney Hobart in 2015.
No matter what – stay safe adventurers xxx
More adventures, including interviews from 0800 AEST on the dock at the CYCA live on Boxing Day, plus commentary of the start, right here at www.AdventuresofaSailorGirl.com or @sailorgirl218 on all social media channels.