On the night or early morning of 21 January, some fellow adventurers (from the UK) and myself thought it might be a good idea to “explore” Rose Bay… Seemed like a great idea at the time… it was also cold… and raining (they felt quite at home!)! I was quite happy being clothed in an offshore jacket and my swimmers. But apparently that wasn’t good enough, and I was given the option of going in myself, or of being carried, or more likely thrown in!
So… in I went… there were strict instructions not to take photos of me…
This is the result…
Apparently adventurers don’t like being told “no” (or is that just skiff sailors??!)! It was so cold I didn’t really have the energy to argue in the end! In between dodging stingrays…
Definitely one of my hilarious adventures! A big thanks to my accomplices for the entertainment!