My third post, and my third week. Today was also the third training session that I have filmed on my new camera which is adding a completely new dimension to my training.
Highlights of the week on the water were some brilliant breezy sails on the Spiral; on Thursday and also today, continuing the work on my transitions and alongside my boat handling. Canberra is the perfect place to work on transitions, given the nature of the breeze. If you can do it here, you can do it anywhere! It was also awesome to train with the Canberra Yacht Club, High Performance Squad (HPS) on Friday. This was the lightest session I have done in a while, but it was great to get lots of starts in, which is another aspect of the basics on my to do list.
I spent four and a half hours on the water yesterday at the NS14 Nationals venue in Cronulla. We had a good training combination with the Davidsons, two boating before the race to get as much time in the slop as possible. We are on the pace in a bit more breeze, but need to work on the lower end of the range. After two boating, and the race we have come away with a list of things to fix on the boat to try and power up the rig for the swell. We will see what happens this weekend when we head to Cronulla again.The weeks for me until Christmas will be spent working on my skippering, with the weekends on the NS14. Good to keep racing in a tough fleet to keep the tactics honed in and the racing mind fresh. Hopefully I will be able to have a bit of time skippering the NS14 as well.
I have been on the water Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday and today this week. I got my GoPro HD Hero2 on Friday, so every session since then I have filmed. Thanks to Vic for his help in getting the camera sent to Oz from the US. It is the most amazing thing I currently own, besides my boats of course! I will post pictures from the footage when possible, and work towards getting some video online soon. The links to my pictures and YouTube channel are available on the right hand side of this page. I have included pictures for the whole of Friday’s session. This visual element of my training gives me the ability ot have a self-coaching function, as well as keep you all up-to-date on what I am up to. I am hoping to get some footage of others to view and compare to my own basic processes. There are also already quite a few things I can add to the blooper reel – stay tuned!
This phase of my training is all about getting my skippering basics up to the same level as my tactical and racing abilities. Being a crew for most of my life means that I have been exposed to high-class racing, and understand how it works. It is a matter of altering my perspective, and catching up on the basics to get myself to a point where the skippering comes naturally, and I can better use the knowledge that I already have. Once I get to that point, I can really move forward. That is the great thing about sailing, there is always something more to learn! On that note tomorrow I will be working on triggers with the HPS, really looking forward to it.
I have to say I love skippering. I also love crewing. Let’s face it, I just love sailing. I love learning and progressing the most. It is what motivates me. It has been so awesome to have my GoPro (fondly known as Pop Eye) on board to see myself in both positions this week. I learn so much from watching, I am a visual person – so I am looking forward to everything that this visual technology will add to my journey and also sharing as much as possible with you.