Adventures Weekly – 8 May 2020 with a focus and behind-the-scenes look at our #KeepingYouCovered campaign, covering #EveryManWomanAndBoat from start to finish in the Rolex Sydney Hobart!
Great to have the “Beneteau Whisperer” Nev Sail, Ronald A Simpson “Droney”, Renee Smith from Making Waves Foundation (SWD), and the awesome Steven Shield along with regular hosts Nic and Tiana to re-live the 75th anniversary coverage, AND go behind-the-scenes with some bloopers!
We also went over the trivia competition from this week, brought to you by Pantaenius Yacht Insurance! Congrats to our winner for this week, who along with winning a prize pack, will also join each of the winners of the weekly video competition for our major prize draw in December of this year!
Hope you enjoy reminiscing with us! #KEEPINGYOUCOVERED đ We will be back next week with Tracy Edwards and The Maiden Factor 1800 AEST, 0900 UK time!
For more adventures in the meantime, head to www.sailorgirlhq.com, or @sailorgirlhq on Facebook, Instagram,