I know we are well past the AC, and there has so much written about it from so many sides. For me, it was another adventure, and an opportunity to experience another section of the sport of sailing that I love so much!
I got to spend four nights in San Fran, as the Louis Vuitton was coming to a close, and the Youth Americas Cup was just about to kick into gear.
I was like a school kid… the first time I saw the boats for real letting out the most girly squeal I have ever heard exit my mouth… and that is saying something!
I was lucky enough to have a pretty awesome view as well for my first day!
While I was in the area, I dropped into the base, and was lucky enough to catch up with Tom Burton briefly, and Jason Waterhouse for a little bit longer ahead of the commencement of the Youth AC. It was amazing to see them, and also so amazing to be let into the media centre, and have the chance to see how everything functioned at ground central.
We featured my interview with Jason in the Sailing Chix with Nix good luck show to Objective Australia, the morning they began racing. We made sure it was delivered via email. Unfortunately, the boys didn’t have the run that was expected due in part to much gear failure – but it was amazing who was on board to support the team for our show. You can listen to the whole show, or just my interview below.
As for the real AC, I was quite happy to stay on USA time for a number of weeks, watched every race (at least once) and just could not get enough! As a skeptic to begin with, I really do have to say that was the best event I have witnessed… and it was fantastic for our sport!
It will be fantastic to follow the progress of the Cup into the next cycle, especially with an Australian team!
Happy sailing, and stay tuned for more adventures!