Can you believe this week Adventures of a Sailor Girl will be racking up the 30th regular broadcast?
Looking back it is amazing to see just how far Adventures of a Sailor Girl has come, the events we have been involved with, and most importantly, the adventures we have been able to share with you all!
For those who don’t know, Adventures of a Sailor Girl started as a blog on what was then an “MSN Space” in 2004. It then developed into www.nicdouglass.org in 2009, with a first appearance on Facebook in 2011, and then as a radio show in 2014.
Our shows have been featured on Sail World, Scuttlebutt, Yachts & Yachting, and Sailing Anarchy, with over 300 average listeners for each show. To put it simply, Adventures of a Sailor Girl has moved up another level!
Our 30 regular shows doesn’t include the special events coverage; such as Audi Hamilton Island Race Week and Vision Surveys Airlie Beach Race Week
Over the past seven months Adventures of a Sailor Girl’s broadcasts have featured a number of local, national and internationally recognized names in the sailing industry, including the likes of Mike Fletcher, Sir James Hardy, Mat Belcher & Will Ryan, Mal Page, Iain Murray, Howie Hamlin, and Mike Holt (to name a few).
Adventures of a Sailor Girl, thanks to the flexibility of Sunset Radio, has broadcast live from almost every state in Australia, featuring sailing clubs such as the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia, Hamilton Island Yacht Club, Southport Yacht Club and the Cruising Yacht Club of South Australia, with an appearance next week in Western Australia. Victoria, ACT and NT expect a visit soon!
I am proud to say as Executive Director of Sunset Media, that the Sunset Radio arm of the Sunset Media company has grown from a one-person operated media business in February, to involve a full board, and staff members. We have gained recognition throughout the sailing industry in the process of both event-based, and regular radio broadcasts, as well as social media broadcasting.
That said, following leaving her ten years of corporate communications earlier this year, Adventures of a Sailor Girl is definitely a labour of love for the sport at the moment! The next phase of development will be getting Adventures of a Sailor Girl to a place where I can be sustainable and keep bringing as much energy as possible to the show, social media, the blog, and the sport as a whole.
On that note, we will soon be asking for expressions of interest to become involved with a “Friend Network”, offering varying levels of benefits including broadcast sponsorship, networking opportunities, merchandise logo placement, and website and app based advertising.
Connections to the industry mean that even if I am not on the water myself, you can be assured that the information I share is reliable, and broadcast either on air or via social media channels as soon as it happens (with a lot of help from my network of adventurers around the world).
Adventures of a Sailor Girl’s following on Facebook has reached over 2100 people, both in Australia and overseas. The Instagram and Twitter accounts have reached over 500 followers each; an audience that actively interacts with all of my (the Sailor Girl’s) adventures and the adventures that are shared.
Reaching thirty regular shows is a huge milestone for the Adventures of a Sailor Girl show, and for Sunset Radio, and Sunset Media as a whole. The best thing is that with summer almost here, and an Extreme Sailing Series, Big Boat Race and Rolex Sydney Hobart all coming up… there is so much more to come!
For more follow me on Instagram, @nicdouglass, on Twitter, @nic_douglass, or on Facebook, where I go by my “full name” Adventures of a Sailor Girl.
Thank you so much to all of my adventurers for the support, I can’t wait to look back in another 30 shows time!
Tune in to show number 30 at 6pm AEST at www.sunsetradio.co!
Sailor Girl xxx
Adventures of a Sailor Girl #30 on 16 November 2014 by Sunset Radio on Mixcloud