Happy Easter everybody!
I had some amazing adventures, as I do every year, at the NSW Tasar State Championships but also catching up with so many who had stories of their own adventures on my radio show!
I managed to get Darren “Twirler” Jones on the phone during the show, just before he heads off again to catch up on his second with Patrice at the IRC Nationals to Beau Geste.
As well as Darren, I chatted with Chris Eddes, who was in the studio to chat about his fifth place at the NS14 NSW State Champs, Heather MacFarlane and Chris Payne on their Thailand adventure on the Fireball, and Josh McKnight on his Moth NSW State Champs win.
We also were introduced to our kite surfing adventurer, Simon “Marksman” Marks who will be kite surfing the entire west coast of Australia, unassisted, just as a warm up for his next adventure!
And last but definitely not least, I did mention that my adventure over the weekend was completing in my State Championships in the Tasar class. For those who don’t know me, I sail the Tasar with my Dad! Dad was recovering from injury, and I had a nasty chest infection, so we really had no expectations. I am happy to say that we took out the title, surprising ourselves, but motivating us to put in a big effort before our next regatta together, the Worlds in January 2015. A massive thanks to all who attended, and of course to my Dad for an awesome weekend, it wouldn’t have been the same without him!
Adventures of a Sailor Girl # 2 on 21 April 2014 by Sunset Radio on Mixcloud
Catch you next week, if not before on Facebook!