
Keen to get on board? Why not get in touch with Nic today to see if you can join in on the Adventures of a Sailor Girl.
An opportunity to go to sailing events and create content on and off the water… Sound awesome…?
It really is…
Contact Nic

Behind the scenes

Fantastic family

There are a number of people who are a part of Nic’s team. Rob Douglass (Nic’s dad) will always be a part of Nic’s team, now in business as well as on the water. Andrea (Nic’s mum), Bronwyn and Katie Douglass (sisters) are never far away in person or spirit. Nic’s family are an integral part of her success. Nic is still sailing on the Tasar with Rob and now they can’t work out who is at the back of the boat!

Shareholders and Sunset Media Executive

  • Rob Douglass, Managing Director, an accountant, business developer and a sailor.
  • Fred Bestall, Media Production Manager, 25 plus years in film and music and a sailor.
  • Hay Lam Yau, Director, an entrepreneur and developer.

Unwavering supporters

Nic has received a large amount of help from Mike (Fletch) Fletcher, Karyn Gojnich, Mel and Craig Davidson, Ben and Cath Walker, Simon Reffold, and Nev Wittey as either coaches, training partners (in sailing or business) or just awesome supporters.

Nic knows she is only as quick and as smart as those around her and draws strengths from everyone that she can!

Our friends

Last but definitely not least, we have an amazing group of sponsors, or as we like to call them, “friends”. Read more about the companies that help us to cover as many adventures as we do!