What a weekend! I was out on the water training both days… and loving it! Starting to wind up my program on my way to the Tasar Worlds in January.
This week my radio guests include the legendary Mike “Fletch” Fletcher (also my coach), and the newest holder of the GC32 speed record, Josh McKnight, who also recently came 3rd at the Moth Worlds!
I was also lucky enough to be joined by Steve McConaghy the winner of the Land Rover Sydney Gold Coast on IRC with Celestial, and to have a chat with Paul Blundell on the Buoyed Up program out of Noosa.
I also managed to get Brett Avery and Rob Date (the Scarlett Runner, winner of the Pacific Cup) on the show before they headed home at the end of their bucket list journey!
Enjoy the adventures!
Adventures of a Sailor Girl #17 on 3 August 2014 by Sunset Radio on Mixcloud
Make sure you check out my selfie with Fletch, he is such a legend!