


Sunset Media

Sunset Media is Nic’s company, providing audio, visual and social media solutions through Adventures of a Sailor Girl and her network of Adventures.

A corporate past and a few degrees

Nic has worked in the communications industry for eleven years, including in-depth experience within the advertising industry, construction, public and private service, always with a passion sport media.. If you have further questions about Nic, in regards to stories or potential adventures, she would love to hear from you. View her profile or head to LinkedIn for more information on her skill set.
Nic has three degrees, a Bachelor of Public Communication (PR/Advertising), a Diploma of Marketing Communications and Post-Graduate level Psychology.


Well… pretty extensive is a good answer for this section. But we will do our best to get some links for past event coverage where Nic was competing, as well as her media coverage of events in the coming months.